Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blog from Week 3 Web Conference

In week 3 we talked about TK20 and posted our week 5 information.  She said to post it on our google site because that should contain all our work.

We talked about saving files in drop box, however my group personally saved them in google docs.  That has seemed to worked well for you.

Next we talked again about making sure we used video and not still images for the project.  This is now a problem for my team because were planning to use a cartoon to do this.  I had checked with the IA about using clips and he said yes, but it looks like we can't do that.

We also spent a great deal of time talking about internship hours and logging them and making sure we have everything completed on time.

She also mentioned that if we post the reflections on the blog we also need to post them on google site unless we share the blog link.  I have a link to my blog on my site.  That would be a good idea.

We also talked about finding the discussion board link.  If you go to the week before then you can find the prior week's link.

Blog from Week 1 Web Conference

In the week 1 web conference we started out with learning where everyone was from.  We talked about the class and what was expected and how many opportunities we would have to web conference to learn about the class.  The teacher then talked about making sure we had the right assignments and that they would always have the current semesters date.  That's a good way to make sure you are doing the right assignment.

The teacher talked about making sure in weeks 1 and 2 that we get someone to look over our work and make sure its good.  Then in weeks 3-5 we are going to work as a group.  The groups are to be 3-4 people so we have enough people but not too many.

I am looking forward to the class and working as a team.  I think it will be great to collaborate. She talked about all the ways we can collaborate like Skype or Google hang out.  It makes it a lot easier.

The biggest tool we can use is utilizing the feedback we get from others on our work to make it better.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 2 5363 Video Editing

Video Editing... This week's assignment was very intriguing and kept me hopping for most of the week.  We had to create a video editing podcast after make three other podcasts.  First was audacity, then a video editor and I chose movie maker.  Then we had to find or create a video clip to edit.  Thank you videezy for the free clip (saved a little time).  Then finally had to make a podcast on using the video editor.  I downloaded AVS4YOU video editor so I could learn something new.

I have used a lot of technology in the past.  I use Audacity all the time and movie maker alot.  I have also used animoto, but for the video editing project, I went and downloaded the AVS Video Editor.  It's a pretty robust product for free.... as long as you don't mind the watermark on your screen. LOL.. I used an mp4 video clip and then edited it and saved it as a wmv file when I was done.  I think my video was as good as some of the video editing tutorials I used.  If I had more time I could have created a really robust podcast.
Every day is a new learning experience and I would say I used a lot of tools to make this weeks assignment work.  Hopefully it will pay off with a good grade.

Good luck to everyone and if I can be of any help, email me.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Want to view a quick tutorial on using Windows Movie Maker?  Check out the link below.
Here's a link to my Audacity Podcast.... Check it out!  You'll want to download it shortly after viewing.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Here is a link to the digital storytelling video. I think I did an alright job!  Hopefully you will think so too.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Digital Story Telling

For my digital storytelling project, this is what I have planned  I am listening to any and all feedback, so please feel free to share.


Pic of him swinging his golf club

“My son’s goal for the better part of his life is to play golf professionally.”

Pic of him golfing to pic of him with trophy to pic of him in the fairway

“There are so many things he has to think about from learning to swing, to putting, to mentally putting bad shots behind him, to staying hydrated, to working out to be able to carry his bag.”

Collage of him with all the different swings

“Golf is not just a physical sport, it’s a mental game.”

Pic on the driving range

“Not hitting the fairways and greens to make par or better. What a frustrating game. Practice makes perfect, or does it?”

Pic playing golf

“Frustrating enough to make him question whether he is good enough to play the game.  Making him say he hates the game and isn’t good enough.”

Collage of pics with a winning one in the middle

“Sometimes the bright light will just go off and it all comes together. It just clicks and everything finally falls in place.”

Newborn pic with golf club

“Makes you question if it was destiny for him to play golf.”

Pic of him from tot’s place swinging golf club.

“Something inside him said, I am going to be a golfer one day.”

Collage of pics with trophies and flags.

One swing, one putt, one victory, one day at a time… That’s all it takes. He can do it!

Starburst 2007 – 5th Place
Starburst 2008  -  2nd Place
Starburst 2009 – 2nd Place
Starburst 2010 – 2nd Place
Starburst 2011 – 8th Place (Don’t give up)
Starburst 2012- Champion (Finally)

Texas Junior Golf Tour – Dec. 2012 – 4th
Texas Junior Golf Tour – Feb. 2013 – 5th
Texas Junior Golf Tour – March 2013 – 50th
Texas Junior Golf Tour – May 2013 – Champion
Texas Junior Golf Tour – May 2013 – 24th
Texas Junior Golf Tour – May 2013 – Champion

Pic of him holding winning trophy

Special thanks to my son Garett
for letting me use pics of him and tell his story.
His goal of being on the PGA tour, gets one

step closer every day!