Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 2 5363 Video Editing

Video Editing... This week's assignment was very intriguing and kept me hopping for most of the week.  We had to create a video editing podcast after make three other podcasts.  First was audacity, then a video editor and I chose movie maker.  Then we had to find or create a video clip to edit.  Thank you videezy for the free clip (saved a little time).  Then finally had to make a podcast on using the video editor.  I downloaded AVS4YOU video editor so I could learn something new.

I have used a lot of technology in the past.  I use Audacity all the time and movie maker alot.  I have also used animoto, but for the video editing project, I went and downloaded the AVS Video Editor.  It's a pretty robust product for free.... as long as you don't mind the watermark on your screen. LOL.. I used an mp4 video clip and then edited it and saved it as a wmv file when I was done.  I think my video was as good as some of the video editing tutorials I used.  If I had more time I could have created a really robust podcast.
Every day is a new learning experience and I would say I used a lot of tools to make this weeks assignment work.  Hopefully it will pay off with a good grade.

Good luck to everyone and if I can be of any help, email me.

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