Sunday, September 29, 2013

5364 Week 5 Web Conference Reflection

I am so glad I listened to the week 5 web conference.  First we went over week 3 and 4 questions.  It seemed that everyone had a pretty good grasp of what they were doing with their assignment. When we started talking about week 5, it got a little confusing. To me it was very confusing looking at the assignment document and reading the rubric.  They were both different. In the conference, we finally got clarified that we didn’t need to create a new UDL lesson but a reflection of our current UDL lesson and book. 
Ms. Abernathy clarified at the end that we were to follow the rubric and do the reflection on the UDL lesson and book that we created in week 3.  I think it was very clear on the instructions and the amount of points that would be awarded for this week.
This has been an interesting class and I think I learned a lot of things. I actually think it was probably one of the more difficult courses for me. I hope I will be able to take everything that I have learned and be able to grow as an educator.

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