Sunday, September 15, 2013

UDL Lesson and Book Builder

UDL Book Builder - Click HERE

CAST’s UDL Lesson Builder


Lesson Overview

Who is Your Inspiration
Annette Reband
Reading/Language Arts/Technology Applications
Grade Level(s):
5 days
Subject Area:
Unit Description:
Students will:
  • Explore different important figure heads in society
  • Compose questions to generate research information
  • Research using different technology available
  • Write to learn more about a persons characteristics, likes, and dislikes, and important events
  • Learn how to cite sources
  • Compile a summary report to draw conclusions
  • Use google drive to create document
  • Learn how to use text and graphical features in google drive

Lesson Description for Day:
Students will research their favorite person and compile a summary report with relevant information including pictures.
State Standards:
(4) Writing/Inquiry/Research: The student uses writing as a tool for learning. The student is expected to:
(A)  use writing to formulate questions, refine topics, and clarify ideas;
(B) use writing to discover, organize, and support what is known and what needs to be learned about a topic;
(C) compile information from primary and secondary sources in systematic ways using available technology;
(D) represent information in a variety of ways such as graphics, conceptual maps, and learning logs;
(E) use writing as a study tool to clarify and remember information;
(G)  analyze strategies that writers in different fields use to compose.
(8)  Reading/variety of texts . The student reads extensively and intensively for different purposes and in varied sources, including American literature. The student is expected to:
(B)  read in varied sources such as diaries, journals, textbooks, maps, newspapers, letters, speeches, memoranda, electronic texts, and other media;
(12)  Reading/analysis/evaluation . The student reads critically to evaluate texts and the authority of sources. The student is expected to:
(A)  analyze the characteristics of clearly written texts, including the patterns of organization, syntax, and word choice;
(B)  evaluate the credibility of information sources, including how the writer's motivation may affect that credibility;
(13)  Reading/inquiry/research . The student reads in order to research self-selected and assigned topics. The student is expected to:
(A)  generate relevant, interesting, and researchable questions;
(B)  locate appropriate print and non-print information using text and technical resources, including databases and the Internet;
(C)  use text organizers such as overviews, headings, and graphic features to locate and categorize information;
(E)  draw conclusions from information gathered.
(21)  Viewing/representing/production. The student produces visual representations that communicate with others. The student is expected to:
(B)  use a variety of forms and technologies such as videos, photographs, and web pages to communicate specific messages;
(C)  use a range of techniques to plan and create a media text and reflect critically on the work produced;
ISTE Technology Standards
(1)  Creativity and innovation. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology
a.    Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b.    Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
(2)   Communication and Collaboration. Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers,
experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
b.    Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
(3)   Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate,
      and use information
           a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
           b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
           and ethically use information from a variety of
           sources and media
           c. Evaluate and select information sources and     
           digital tools based on the appropriateness to  
           specific tasks
           d. Process data and report results


Unit Goals:

Students will:

Draw upon previous experience to research topic
Correctly indentify major characteristics/events of a person
Recognize proper writing techniques
Recognize using technology properly to create report
Use google drive to create document
Learn how to use text and graphical features in google drive

Lesson Goals:
Students will:
Learn about researching
Learn about writing techniques
Learn how to cite sources
Learn how to use technology to create report


Anticipatory Set:

Share the lesson goals with the students

Share a sample report
Show how to use the technology properly to research and to write
Brainstorm ideas for important features of report

Who does your “inspiration” remind you of?

Have you ever seen your inspiration in person?
Why is this person your inspiration?


Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

Share a students computer screen with the class so they can show their work.

Work in pairs to get simple ideas of project pages for report set up.
Encourage class to participate in discussions about their inspiration.



Provide Guided Practice:

Have students go online to website to see basic research project developed so they can see finished product that is expected. They will see the types of information, pictures and work that they should be looking for.



Provide Independent Practice:

Students will have opportunity to collaborate online with fellow students.

Students will research and type their paper. Then they will share their screen when finished to display their report.
Students will use google drive to be able to work on project outside of class.





Formative/Ongoing Assessment:
Evaluate each students individual work
Participation in classroom discussions
Correctly explain how they went about researching inspiration
Correctly explain how to use google drive to save work

Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:
As part of final project, students will use google drive to share report with teacher.


Teacher website

Research websites


Google Drive Account

Online spell check

Online dictionary/thesaurus

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