Sunday, September 8, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week 3 Reading Reflection

This week I am learning about UDL. It is a set of principles for developing curriculum that will help all types of students learn. It allows you to create goals, methods, materials and assessments that work for all of your students not just an all in one cookie cutter type of instruction. It has flexible ways that can be customized to different learning styles.
In the reading, Center for Applied Special Technology: UDL Book Builder, it says “Individuals bring a huge variety of skills, needs, and interests to learning.” This is so true because every student in our classroom isn’t going to fit into the same mold.  They are going to have different internal and external influences that will change their learning styles.  I think it’s important that we try to find as many ways as we can to equip all of our students with the lessons they need to not only get through their classes but to get ahead in life.  They spend the majority of their time with their teachers and most of the time we best see “how” they learn and we know that every student doesn’t have the same motivations to learn so we have to find ways to make it work for each of them as best we can.  UDL breaks it down to the “what, how and why of learning”. We group what we see, hear and read.  It’s how we organize our ideas and then the why we get motivated to do the learning.  It’s an intriguing approach to learning.

 Center for Applied Special Technology: UDL Book Builder, (2009)

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